This EPTC coaching was great!

I wanted a personal touch in terms of mental and physical coaching. It is great how Erik changes the approach according to the person he is working with.



Altijd maatwerk!

Het tienweekse Physical Empowerment programma heb ik aan de doelstellingen van Sehba aangepast. Omdat Sheba al vrij veel sport hebben we een combinatie gemaakt van een fysiek trainingsuur en een online coachsessie.


Haar testimonial:

My dietician, Janine, recommended Erik from EPTC to me, I wanted to see if I could use physical activity to reconnect with my body.

I did not of course expect all problems to be solved in the tenweeks we had spent together. It was a good traject, but I think the issues that I have are fairly deep. We definitely made progress though.

I did not have much expectations to be honest, I just wanted to see where we would go, and what would come out of it. Many interesting questions and points were raised. The outdoor appointments were a bit more difficult for me personally – I am not good with being outside when it is too cold, and so I felt a bit sad that I could not always experience this to the fullest.

Erik is very attentive and tries very hard to get to the root of who a person is

I would recommend EPTC to my friends, but I would ask them to have a very specific aim. This is not just a physical training, there is a huge mental element here too.

I had a really good time working with Erik. I made some definite steps towards understanding issues better, but it obviously doesn’t end here for me.



physical empowerment traject

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